Attribute VB_Name = "modMapPointFunctions" Option Explicit '************************************************************************* ' This source code is provided "as is" and as an unsupported sample of ' a Microsoft Visual Basic application that incorporates the MapPoint 2002 ' object model and ActiveX control. It can only be used in accordance with ' the terms and conditions of the Microsoft MapPoint 2002 and ' Microsoft Visual Basic End User License Agreements. '************************************************************************* Public Sub PaintShapes(oShapeOrShapes As Object, _ Optional bSendToBack As Boolean = True) '********************************************************************************** ' Author: SHP 2/22/2001 ' Abstract: Given either a single shape or a collection of shapes, applies ' a fill color and (optionally) sets the shapes to display behind ' any other objects in the map (roads, etc.) ' Assumptions: ' Notes: '********************************************************************************** Dim iColorIndex As Integer Dim omShape As MapPoint.Shape Dim iShapeCount As Integer If Not oShapeOrShapes Is Nothing Then iColorIndex = 1 ' used to select next forecolor... 'This is a bit of overloading -- if we're passed a Shape object, 'then we'll paint just that one. If we're passed a collection 'of shapes, then we'll loop through all of them. If TypeOf oShapeOrShapes Is MapPoint.Shape Then PaintThisShape oShapeOrShapes, iColorIndex If bSendToBack = True Then SendShapeToBack oShapeOrShapes End If ElseIf (TypeOf oShapeOrShapes Is Collection) Or (TypeOf oShapeOrShapes Is MapPoint.Shapes) Then For Each omShape In oShapeOrShapes PaintThisShape omShape, iColorIndex If bSendToBack = True Then SendShapeToBack omShape End If If iColorIndex = 5 Then iColorIndex = 1 'Reset to start over again in Fill.Forcolor options... Else iColorIndex = iColorIndex + 1 End If iShapeCount = iShapeCount + 1 frmSpatialDataImport.lblRecordCount.Caption = "Shape Count: " & iShapeCount Next omShape End If End If End Sub Private Sub PaintThisShape(omShape As MapPoint.Shape, _ iColorIndex As Integer) '********************************************************************************** ' Author: SHP 2/22/2001 ' Abstract: Applies a fill color to a shape. ' Assumptions: ' Notes: '********************************************************************************** If Not omShape Is Nothing Then With omShape Select Case iColorIndex Case 1 .Fill.ForeColor = &HC0FFC0 Case 2 .Fill.ForeColor = &HC0C0FF Case 3 .Fill.ForeColor = &H80FFFF Case 4 .Fill.ForeColor = &HFFC0C0 Case 5 .Fill.ForeColor = &HFF80FF End Select .Line.ForeColor = vbBlack .Line.Weight = 0 .Fill.Visible = True .SizeVisible = False End With End If End Sub Public Sub SendShapeToBack(omShape As MapPoint.Shape) '********************************************************************************** ' Author: SHP 2/22/2001 ' Abstract: Sets the Z-Order of a shape such that it displays behind any roads ' or other objects. ' Assumptions: ' Notes: '********************************************************************************** If Not omShape Is Nothing Then With omShape 'Why do we have to do both? .ZOrder geoSendBehindRoads .ZOrder geoSendToBack End With End If End Sub Public Sub UpdateStatus(sStatusText As String) Dim sPreviousStatus As String If Not frmSpatialDataImport Is Nothing Then If Len(sStatusText) = 0 Then frmSpatialDataImport.lblStatus.Caption = sStatusText Else sPreviousStatus = frmSpatialDataImport.lblStatus.Caption If Len(sPreviousStatus) = 0 Then frmSpatialDataImport.lblStatus.Caption = sStatusText Else frmSpatialDataImport.lblStatus.Caption = sPreviousStatus & vbCrLf & sStatusText End If End If DoEvents End If End Sub ' Compute latitude and longitude given a location object ' Author: Gilles Kohl ' ( ' ' This code is copyrighted freeware - use freely, but please leave this ' header intact. Suggestions and comments welcome. Function Arccos(x As Double) As Double Arccos = Atn(-x / Sqr(-x * x + 1)) + 2 * Atn(1) End Function Sub CalcPos(objMap As MapPoint.Map, locX As MapPoint.Location, dblLat As Double, dblLon As Double) Static locNorthPole As MapPoint.Location Static locSouthPole As MapPoint.Location Static locSantaCruz As MapPoint.Location ' Center of western hemisphere Static dblHalfEarth As Double ' Half circumference of the earth (as a sphere) Static dblQuarterEarth As Double ' Quarter circumference of the earth (as a sphere) Static Pi As Double Dim lat_rad As Double Dim d_lat As Double Dim dblNew As Double ' Check if initialization already done If locNorthPole Is Nothing Then Set locNorthPole = objMap.GetLocation(90, 0) Set locSouthPole = objMap.GetLocation(-90, 0) Set locSantaCruz = objMap.GetLocation(0, -90) ' Compute distance between north and south poles == half earth circumference dblHalfEarth = objMap.Distance(locNorthPole, locSouthPole) ' Quarter of that is the max distance a point may be away from locSantaCruz and still be in western hemisphere dblQuarterEarth = dblHalfEarth / 2 Pi = 3.14159265358979 End If ' Compute latitude from distance to north pole dblLat = 90 - 180 * objMap.Distance(locNorthPole, locX) / dblHalfEarth ' Compute great circle distance to locX from point on Greenwich meridian and computed Latitude d_lat = objMap.Distance(objMap.GetLocation(dblLat, 0), locX) ' convert latitude to radian lat_rad = (dblLat / 180) * Pi ' Compute Longitude from great circle distance ' KEY EQUATION dblLon = 180 * Arccos((Cos((d_lat * 2 * Pi) / (2 * dblHalfEarth)) - Sin(lat_rad) * Sin(lat_rad)) / (Cos(lat_rad) * Cos(lat_rad))) / Pi ' Correct longitude sign if located in western hemisphere If objMap.Distance(locSantaCruz, locX) < dblQuarterEarth Then dblLon = -dblLon Set locNorthPole = Nothing Set locSouthPole = Nothing Set locSantaCruz = Nothing End Sub