New at MP2K Magazine, 3/19/2002

Dear MP2K Magazine Reader,

The old site is now (almost!) fully ported over to the new server, it required a complete re-writing of the scripts for each page and migration of the underlying database to a new platform, please forgive (and inform us! of any broken links. On to the MapPoint news.

The MapPoint .NET beta is well underway and looks to be one of, if not the first, real Microsoft .NET web service to be widely embraced and successfully deployed. The MapPoint team reports to be very pleased with the way things are going.

This week's contents:
   - a summary of recent articles and news
   - mappoint contest results
   - the latest tip: download center

This issue is sponsored by OTO Software -


MP2K hosted a very interesting, insightful 'chat' with the MapPoint Evangelist of many years last month. A wide variety of topics were covered. Jill and Wayne Freeze and Joe Francica make surprise visits. Look forward to another chat next month.. Watch the site for the announcement.

Jon Jaffe recently contributed to an article for Directions concerning the MapPoint Alliance program:

Mike Zhang contributed some code samples that he used in a MapPoint / ESRI MapObject / ESRI SDE project which loads MapPoint drawing objects onto an SDE Server.

This has been previously reported, but questions are still popping up regularly about how to import boundary files into MapPoint. A review of the only supported, commercial product to do this can be accessed here:

More coverage of Sweden may be expected in the next version of MapPoint, view an example of how roads currently appear in both the European and North American versions in the MapPoint gallery.

Len Boyer extended Walt Cygan's Reverse Geocoding routine to work directly with Excel XP.

We still have a few boxes of MapPoint 2002 For Dummies books left. In the hopes of 'clearing the shelf', you can now order in increments of 20 for your custmers, clients, or employees at a substantial discount.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Directions Magazine recently updated and added new features to the popular Company Directory. It's now even easier to find valuable company and product information--all in one place. The GIS Company Directory is the most complete directory of its kind on the web. Take a look,


Fred Palmer was the the 58th (of over 100 new subscribers this past month) and was randomly chosen to be the latest winner of a free Full copy of MapPoint 2002. Look forward to similar contests. Fred is using MapPoint and Access to to prototype a propane delivery system for a couple thousand customers.


Besides MSDN, the Microsoft Dowload Center also contains a lot of material of interest to MapPoint users and developers. In fact, from past experience, Microsoft's download center tends to post new offerings sooner than related MSDN articles. You can access the Download Center here:

Also, here's a screenshot showing what's available now. Note that it does seem to make a difference which operating system you choose. The latest downloads (Mail Merge and OLAP wizard) appear to be supported only under Windows 2000/XP.

Lastly, consider writing for us. A description of a recent solution or project you've worked on, an innovative code sample, a tutorial, anything is welcome and will be reviewed and edited for publication. Join the ranks of the MP2K Authors!

Archives of the MP2K Update are available on-line at
Eric Frost
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