New at MP2K Magazine, 10/08/2001

Dear MP2K Magazine Reader,

Our MapPoint articles are bringing you the latest breakthroughs, analysis, opinions, and opportunities to contribute through on-line polls and reader comments (coming soon). The site has been active since April 1999 and has been recently re-launched beginning in June of this year - it has been a great deal of fun! I believe this is the first ever MP2K Update.

It is an exciting time for MapPoint users as MapPoint 2002 includes a bevy of new features, including territories and a richer object model enhancing it's capability as a robust geographic visualization tool. Also, the first print publication, MapPoint for Dummies, is due to be released soon by Hungry Minds. Watch our home page for updates as we continue to re-launch the site.

This week's contents:
    - a summary of recent articles and news
    - tip of the week: quarterly MapPoint newsletter
    - an introduction to the site layout

This issue is sponsored by Locarta -


Finding sites within a specified distance from an address:
This article demonstrates the use of MapPoint's COM add-in capability to display locations from a database within a specified distance from a reference point.

Review of MapPoint 2002 European Edition:
Author says it should be called AutoRoute 2002 Plus Plus Plus.

Reverse Geocoding with MapPoint 2002:
We have shown how to geocode locations using the CalcPos routine - reverse geocoding can also be done with MapPoint 2002 - read more about it in this article.

Using MapPoint in Foxpro:
Charlie Parker shares a demo for using MapPoint within Foxpro that he originally prepared for a local Foxpro user group.

Using MapPoint from Word, Access and Excel:
MapPoint can be used from within Word, Access or Excel. This articles contains code snippets that allows you to seamlessly drop a map graphic into your Word, Access or Excel documents anywhere you have a valid address.

Converting Strings Into Decimal Degree Format:
Gilles Kohl provides us with a programmatic solution for converting user-supplied strings into the decimal degree format that MapPoint expects.

A More Compact Method for Obtaining Lat/Long:
An alternate method for obtaining lat/lon was recently posted to the MapPoint newsgroup by Gilles Kohl that works with pushpins and also works in the European version.

10 Second Tutorial: Embedding With Word:
In the first column of what in will be a regular feature, Jonathan takes a look at a simple and effective, yet underused Office feature, embedding.

MapPoint 2002 Review:
The latest version promises the ability to import ESRI shape files and MapInfo data--a previously missing feature that held back the Microsoft GIS product. Adena Schutzberg reviews this and many other new offerings in MapPoint 2002.

Would you like to reach an audience of 2,000+ MapPoint users and developers quickly and cheaply?  Contact for information on advertising in the MP2K Update.


You can sign up for Microsoft's quarterly MapPoint Newsletter at

If you missed the first one, drop us a note at and we'll be sure to forward it.


Above are listed about half of the new articles assembled in the past few months, visit our articles section for a full listing:

Look for a new product feature wish list on MP2K in the not-to-distant future. In the meantime, visit the wish list at our partner, Directions Magazine.

Many new images are planned in our map gallery over the coming months. If you have a good one, feel free to send it in.

The site will be gradually given a complete overhaul in the coming month, largely based on what we see as needs/potential improvements for readers and also based on your input. Let us know what you want to see and feel free to forward this newsletter to colleagues.

Jonathan Frost
MP2K Magazine Publisher
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