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Spambayes Install For Outlook Express

This article shows how to install/implement a terrific free spam-blocker in Outlook Express

I have been using Outlook Express myself for several years, and in the course of things probably received more than 100,000 spam e-mails during that time.

Wow! I was surprised myself when calculating that figure, but it's accurate. I don't really mind deleting a few spams every day, even if it's ten or twenty or as it has been lately more than hundred to sort through, although it tedious -- but when you think of the expense of time over a week, a month, yes a year -- incredible amounts of time are spent quite simply producing carpal tunnel syndrome. Who wants that? It's painful, lately sometimes I would rather watch TV or spend some quality time with a DVD rather than learn/play/work at the keyboard. how sad.

Anyway, here's some step by step instructions on how to install SpamBayes with Outlook Express.

First go to, click on Platforms | Windows and then Non Outlook Solutions | Installation program. You got it! Actually as you will see, your work has only just begun.

When the download is ready and the installation has begun, for us Outlook Express junkies, click on Server/Proxy and uncheck Outlook.

Choose your drive, c:\ should be fine if you're not sure.

A new icon will appear in your "systray", typically on the lower right of your desktop screen.

Double-click on the icon and go to "home", Configuration Page". This next step is the hardest for non-geeks, you need to know your pop3 server address. This is something that would have been provided by your ISP.

It may be like "" although I'm not sure that's even valid for comcast, you really need to check with your ISP regarding what your pop3 address should be.

featured resources
- Sound Business Practices - essentials already written and ready to use.

Now, in Outlook Express go to Tools | Accounts | and double-click on your account name.

Go to Servers and for the Incoming Mail (pop 3) setting put in "localhost".

That's it! It's all configured, but now you have to train it.. Training your Spambayes filter is actually the majority of the work.

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