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Lat/Long in MapPoint 2002

Chris Gebhardt shares some insights into how to circumvent the lack of a lat/long support in MP. "There are ways to ascertain the lat/long using simple geometry and trigonometry."

Greetings all,

I too have been extremely frustrated with lack of a lat/long in MP. I thoroughly understand Microsoft's reasoning as it is contractual between MS and their partners. However, as lccox pointed out, there are ways to ascertain the lat/long using simple geometry and trigonometry. Rather than tell you about it or how to do it, I have decided to share the code with you.

Below, you will see the GetLatLong procedure I call from a form. If anyone is interested, I have a complete VB Project that shows how to use this code. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me.

Chris Gebhardt
Crime Analysis Associates
chris @ Crime Analysis . Net

Begin Code:

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Author: Christopher Gebhardt
Email: Chris(AT)
Chris Gebhardt is the Director of Marketing for CRISNet ( in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is also the CEO of Crime Analysis Associates ( where he uses Microsoft products and specifically MapPoint in the creation of his Crime Analysis software.

Chris is a former Lieutenant with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C. where he was the Commander of the Tactical Crime Analysis Unit responsible for crime analysis and crime mapping. This job is the basis for the TV show "The District."

In his spare time, Chris is the Technical Advisor to the California Crime and Intelligence Analysts Association (

Chris can be reached at

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