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317 Robert K. - August 8, 2001

Can MapPoint two be incorporated as an interactive map on a website through integration with other Office or MS products, allowing zoom and panning etc.? If this is possible what licensing limitations exist? I believe that you can place URL references on push pins that are activated by clicking on the pin, correct? What limitation on the number of push pins that can be located on the USA and/or a given screen view? Thanks the product looks like it may work for my project.


Technically speaking, MapPoint is a desktop application that can be run on a server to provide maps and directions to non-licensed users by taking requests and generating JPG/GIF files. However, the licensing agreement for MapPoint 2002 puts severe restrictions on this type of usage.

You should read the "Use of Maps" section of the End User License Agreement for more details, but essentially this says that each license of the product can only post a maximum of 1,000 maps online. Each request (including zooms and pans) is considered to be one online post. There are also restrictions on commercial use (basically you are not allowed to sell maps or charge for MapPoint output in any way) and printing copies of maps for distribution.

In other words, unless you are thinking of a "controlled environment" (like a corporate intranet) where you can ensure that each potential user has his/her own license of MapPoint, setting MapPoint up as a server is not feasible.

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