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328 Angus McDonald - August 15, 2001

I am using the Great Britain version of MappPoint2000. I have various datasets (as Acess Databases and comma separated text files) georeferenced to GB Ordnance Survey grid references. When I tried to create pushpin sets by importing the textfile data into MapPoint2000 I encountered some problems which I have not been able to overcome (the on-line help is very scant on detail on data importing):- 1. The import wizard only allows you to define one column as the location. The georeferencing of my datasets is stored as 6 figure national grid reference in 2 separate fields, one for the easting and one for the northing (ie. XXXXXX, YYYYYY) - this is normal practice with GIS data. 2. Undaunted I persevered and rejigged one of my datasets and combined the easting and northing into one field in the form of XXXXXX YYYYYY and re-imported it. It sort of of recognised it as OS data as it put it off the SW coast of Britain near the national grid origin (ie. 0,0) but obviosly did not gecognise it as 6 figure OS grid reference. It also only mapped 3 out of 106 records, but didn't tell me about the unmapped ones! My question therefore is :- 1. What is the proper procedure for importing data that is georeferenced to GB Ordnance Survey grid references stored as separate 6 figure eastings and northings? 2. Is the procedure different (better?) for MapPoint2002? Regards Angus PS I am an independant GIS consultant based in Edinburgh, Scotland and I am in the process of creating training courses in MapPoint (deatils from - I noticed that one of the previous questions was from somebody looking for UK based MapPoint training.


We haven't tried this in MapPoint 2000, but mapping records using six-digit OS Grid references appears to work fine in MapPoint 2002. You need to combine the easting and northing into one data field separated by a space (comma doesn't work). All the references we tried produced matches. The OS Grid reference of "430800 386400" produced a pushpin a few miles west of Sheffield city centre, and "470800 171700" showed up just south-west of Reading. These locations seem to be the same as those generated online using the Get-A-Map service on

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