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552 Kevin Hayes - December 18, 2001

Is it possible to retrieve county names from the zip code/ or location object with a com addin? Thanks, Kevin


No. The county information is not exposed anywhere in the data model as a property.

- Walt Cygan

Update: 12/23/2001 - The following message posted on the microsoft.public.mappoint newsgroup may help you.


On Sat, 22 Dec 2001 07:35:03 -0600, "Ken Levy"

>Thanks for the post. I checked out the reference you gave and found several
>good leads. One of the best, I think, was a dataset from the National
>Weather Service which contains time zone for each county in the US. Is
>there a way of getting the county name for a particular MP location object?

Try this (put it into a VB module):

Option Explicit

Public Function CountyFromLocation(oMap As MapPoint.Map, _
oOrgLoc As MapPoint.Location) As String
Dim oResults As MapPoint.FindResults

' Search for info
Set oResults = oMap.ObjectsFromPoint( _
oMap.LocationToX(oOrgLoc), _

' define a generic object to iterate over FindResults
Dim oObj As Object

Dim oLoc As MapPoint.Location

CountyFromLocation = ""

' Loop over collection
For Each oObj In oResults
' Find out object type
If TypeOf oObj Is MapPoint.Location Then
Set oLoc = oObj ' Use Location object

' Got a county ?
If oLoc.Type = geoShowByRegion2 Then
CountyFromLocation = oLoc.Name
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next oObj

End Function

CountyFromLocation will return the name of the corresponding county, given a map object, and a location. It will return an empty string ("") if no county was found.

Put the following into the code part of a VB form to test it:

Option Explicit
Dim oMpApp As MapPoint.Application
Dim WithEvents oMap As MapPoint.Map

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set oMpApp = GetObject(, "MapPoint.Application")
Set oMap = oMpApp.ActiveMap
End Sub

Private Sub oMap_BeforeClick(ByVal Button As Long, ByVal Shift As
Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim oLoc As MapPoint.Location

Set oLoc = oMap.XYToLocation(X, Y)

Dim strCounty As String

strCounty = CountyFromLocation(oMap, oLoc)
If strCounty = "" Then strCounty = "No county found"
List1.AddItem strCounty
End Sub

The form should have a listbox List1 - each time you click in the map (MapPoint should be running before you launch the program), it will display its county guess in the listbox.

Gilles [MVP].

P.S.: You may also want to check out in this context - this was used as the basis for the above.

--- Thanks, Gilles

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