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559 Natalie - December 19, 2001

While the UI and API in MapPoint 2002 are great, the program can't map about 10% of the street addresses we enter (Washington, DC Metro area). Is there any way to get the program to use external map data? If so, then can you recommend one that we can plug in? Also, who provides Microsoft with their data? That company might have a few ideas. Thanks!!


No. MapPoint's data can not be extended. There is a menu option for Map Feedback on the Tools menu, but any improvements will not be seen until MapPoint 2003. Data is supplied by GDT and NavTech.

One caution. Most address validation and mapping products are very sensitive about how data is supplied. For example, 2021 3rd Ave N, Minneapolis, MN is found, but 2021 N 3rd Ave, Minneapolis, MN is not. If you are finding addresses is an automated process you may have to flip direction around to get a match.

(I assume you have done this, but I'll throw it in anyway.) Take an address that was not found and search for it manually. This assumes it is an address you know. Find the location on the map and click on the street. What address does it show? Does it show numbering at all? In some cases, the data just doesn't exist, in others you may find a format problem that MapPoint just can't resolve.

Also, if you are using the "FindAddressResults" method, sometimes giving a zip code can hurt you. If you are using data supplied to you by customers, frequently you can get the wrong zip. If you try to match using the zip it can fail, even though you can get a good match without the zip.

One more example in Minneapolis. We have one inner ring suburb called Edina. Many addresses will not match if you give Edina as the city, but will match if only the zip is used or you use Minneapolis.

Sometimes address matching is a science and sometimes it is an art. Good luck.

- Walt Cygan

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