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838 Ron Cook - April 10, 2003

I work for the cable industry and we are trying to show (grahically) where a given provider serves. Since we associate a provider with a Zip+4 (e.g. 80027-9597), how can I plug that value into MapPoint and have it show be that specific geographic area (i.e. shaded with defined border)? Thanks! Ron Cook

May 5, 2003
budapest to seatal

May 20, 2003
Ron, I don't have an answer for your question but I have a question for you based on what I read in your posting. I am also working with Zip+4 and mapping software, though not Mappoint. I'm using ArcIMS from ESRI. My question is: What is your source of Zip+4 and lat/long information? I'm using a product from GDT (Geographic Data Technology) but it's expensive and I need to see what else is available. Thanks, Hugh.

July 10, 2003
As I understand it, Zip+4 is not a polygon. Zip is, but Zip + 4 is a list of address. Zip+4 is broken down to the actual route the postal carrier walks. This means if they walk down "main street", and a different carrier walks down the instersecting "maple st" One carrier may walk down "Main St" delivering mail in one Zip+4, and then PASS addresses on "Maple St" in a different Zip+4. The only way to make Zip+4 Polygons, is to get the Tract and Lot boundaries for each lot of the included addresses, and try to combine them into a polygon, or a series of adjacent polygons. With this solution, certain areas would appear to have multiple Zip+4's, and portions of one Zip+4 may be appear to be "inside" another Zip+4. That's probably why a vendor is charging a lot for the data, they have to combine two sources : Postal and the local parcel information. AND they have to cleanup. Not trivial at all.

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