MSN Continues Investments in Search With the Launch of Local Search
From MP2Kmag - "We are deeply investing in developing world-leading local search services that precisely deliver the local information consumers care about," said Christopher Payne, corporate vice president for MSN Search at Microsoft Corp. "We remain committed to continuously improving our search service, and today's MSN Local Search beta release is just the beginning. With the addition of MSN Virtual Earth, we are poised to take local search to the next level."
MSN Adds Local Search
From - "Full rollout of mapping technical and satellite views gives visual aspect to local search."
MSN Localizes Search Results
From - "The Internet has to be better than the yellow pages, and it hasn't necessarily been, said Gary Stein, a Jupiter Research analyst. "The yellow pages are so easy. There's just an ingrained habit of picking them up.""
MSN service brings searches close to home
From CRM Knowledge Base - "In its latest bid to catch up in the Internet search business, Microsoft Corp. is joining the ranks of companies offering enhanced search results narrowed to local geographies."
MSN Launches Local Search
From Networking Pipeline - "Catching up with rivals Google Inc. and Yahoo Inc., Microsoft Corp. on Monday unveiled an improved search service that delivers results tuned to users' location."
MSN Local Search goes live
From Netimperative - "MSN has launched its new Local Search service in the US, allowing users to find local results from business, residential or local Web sites."
MSN Local Search - launched
From Addict 3D - "MSN today released a beta version of a new Local Search service, enabling consumers to quickly retrieve local results from business, residential or local Web sites, often accompanied by informative maps and aerial images."
MSN joins Google, Yahoo to offer localized search service
From Tacoma News Tribune - "In a move to catch up with rivals Google Inc. and Yahoo Inc., Microsoft Corp. on Monday unveiled an improved search service that delivers results tuned to users' location."
MSN snaps at Google with local search
From - "Local search reaches Microsoft's search engine"
Microsoft looks for a place among competitors with MSN Local Search
From Rocky Mountain News - "REDMOND, Wash. - Catching up with rivals Google Inc. and Yahoo! Inc., Microsoft Corp. on Monday unveiled an improved search service that delivers results tuned to a user's location."
Google, Microsoft compete to offer navigable 3-D maps
From Detroit News - "A war of the virtual worlds is gearing up between search engine company Google Inc. and software maker Microsoft Corp., as the two tech rivals race to bring competing digital versions of planet Earth onto the World Wide Web."
MSN to offer local-search service
From ZDNet India - "Microsoft's MSN plans to launch on Tuesday a test version of a local-search function that integrates mapping and satellite image technology to help consumers pinpoint nearby stores and other locales."
MSN service brings searches close to home
From Seattle Post-Intelligencer - "In its latest bid to catch up in the Internet search business, Microsoft Corp. is joining the ranks of companies offering enhanced search results narrowed to local geographies."
Virtual Earth mapping team to join MSN Search
From Seattle Times - "Microsoft also said that the Virtual Earth mapping team will join MSN Search and will work on integrating search results with aerial images and Microsoft's MapPoint Web Service. The Virtual Earth product is expected to debut this summer."
Microsoft's MSN delivers local search option
From InfoWorld - "Filling a conspicuous hole in its suite of search engine services, Microsoft Corp.'s MSN division plans on Tuesday to add a local search tab to its search engine that will return location-specific listings for businesses and people."
MSN Launches Local Search Beta
From BetaNews - "MSN blends these local search capabilities together with the company's Virtual Earth technology, a next-generation mapping service that overlays satellite imagery of actual buildings and neighborhoods onto maps in order to aid in directions."
Microsoft's MSN to Deliver Local Search Option
From PC World - "MSN Local Search will later be enhanced with the launch of MSN Virtual Earth, a new service that will let users superimpose driving routes, places, and weather information on maps and satellite images. MSN Virtual Earth should become available by September, Microsoft said last month."
MSN to offer local-search service
From - "Local search is particularly convenient for mobile phone users, many of whom are in their car or otherwise in transit and are looking for directions and other information on the fly."
MSN Stakes Local-Search Claim on Virtual Earth
From eWeek - "Virtual Earth, slated for a release later this year, in many ways appears similar to Google's upcoming service called Google Earth, a desktop client slated to replace Google's current Keyhole software. Google Earth is supposed to overlay local search and driving directions on top of a bird's eye view of the world and allow users to view animated maps."